1st Call for Submissions
The Editorial Board is happy to announce the opening of the first Call for Submissions for the first issue of BEJ, with expected publication date in the late Spring of 2025. Submissions are open from November 6th, 2024 to January 31st, 2025. All current Bocconi Students as well those who graduated within the past two years are eligible to submit manuscripts. BEJ accepts submissions for papers in economics and strictly adjacent fields. Make sure to check the FAQs before submitting!
Q: Are there restrictions on manuscript length?
A: Manuscripts shall not exceed 10’000 words in length. You can use this tool made available by the AEA to check the length of your work. You should exclude title, abstract and reference lists when computing the word count. Before submitting a longer manuscript, please contact the Editor.
Q: Does my manuscript have to satisfy specific requirements?
A: Manuscripts shall be written in English and be endowed with an abstract of no longer than 200 words.
Q: How are manuscripts selected?
A: Manuscripts are selected based on relevance and scientific quality. The Editor shall assign the work to a Co-Editor after an initial desk review. The Editorial Board eventually decides to either accept the work with no or minor revisions, or to request a revise and resubmit, or to reject the work. The decisions of the Editorial Board are final. Once the Editorial Board accepts a paper, it is sent to the Scientific Director who assigns it to a member of the faculty for final review. If cleared by the faculty, the paper is published.
Q: How can I submit my paper?
A: You should send a PDF of your work to submissions-bej@unibocconi.it. You can also attach a brief cover letter for your work. Should your paper pass the initial desk review, you are required to submit your work in LaTeX after having adopted our stylistic guidelines, which will be soon available at the bottom of this page. In principle you are not required to submit a replication package together with your work, but beware that the Associate Editor may request it.
Q: What happens when my paper is accepted?
A: Once accepted, the paper is sent to the Publishing House that finalizes the review process and prepares it for publication. Once the issue is ready, your paper will be published on our website and available on major search engines.